Why do we get periods?
Menstruation occurs monthly in women when our ovaries release an egg that travels to our uterus, and if it is not fertilized by sperm, our uterus sheds the lining that a fertilized egg would have begun to develop in. It is a cyclic release of hormones, estrogen and progesterone, that control the monthly cyclic process of menstruation.
When would I get my first period?
Most of the time, girls start bleeding as a sign of their first period between the ages of 10 and 16. However, one cannot predict the exact moment when you get the first period. The age plan varies from one girl to the other. In some girls, periods arrive between ages 10 and 12, while others start bleeding in their late 12s or early 15s.
What would my first period be like?
Although you may be thinking you might lose a lot of blood during periods, it is only a few tablespoons of blood that girls lose in the whole period. Many girls change their menstrual cup, pad, or tampon about 3-times a day, but some have to change their menstrual cup about 6-times a day.
Does having your period hurt?
Not at all, but many girls face cramps during their period, particularly in the first few days. If the cramps are severe and uncomfortable, we recommend using a heating pad and consulting your doctor. Our bodies are great communicators and will show us symptoms before something very dramatic happens.
How long does a period last?
Generally, periods stay for five days, but this duration can be shorter or longer depending on your hormone levels and health.
Should I use a menstrual cup?
There are countless ways of dealing with period blood, but the least life-altering are menstrual cups. This is a very personal preference but naturally we love them. They are very discrete, have a long wear time of up to 12 hours, with no toxins being introduced into your body and no worries about “do I have enough products” when I go out. WIth one product you always have what you need. Once you get past the learning curve, it truly is a “no strings attached period”.
Will other people notice that I have my period?
Menstrual blood does not have the obvious/strong smell we think it does, naturally we are more sensitive to it because it is our own. Unless you have an accident with a leak, nobody will ever know you are on your period. Our philosophy is different, which is “so what”, if they know. A period is a sign of a healthy body and fertility, something to celebrate!
My friends say that their breasts hurt before their period. Why does that happen and would it happen to me?
It is possible due to an increase in estrogen prior to menstruation. Progesterone and estrogen rise during PMS to eventually decrease to at the start of the period so the body can release the uterine lining. Breasts that are hard, swollen and very uncomfortable can mean estrogen dominance that should be addressed.
What is PMS?
PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, symptoms that happen prior to the blood due to a very dramatic change in hormone levels. In today's society, this syndrome has been deemed as “normal” but half of the population should not have a syndrome, right? Luckily PMS is one of the first things to respond to natural treatments and it should not be seen as normal. We have a natural shift towards inflammation that occurs at the end of our luteal phase and this is what can cause these symptoms to exacerbate iff we do not have natural balance. Progesterone and GABA are central to the PMS story because they reduce the inflammation and calm the mood by enhancing the neurotransmitter GABA.
What are period panties and how do they work?
Period panties are a fairly new invention that was created by none better than a woman to manage menstruation like a pad but with much less hassle. When using period panties you no longer need to potentially mess up your favorite pair of underwear and you also don't have the bulky and irritating problem of a scratchy pad between your legs. This option is better for your body, wallet and mother earth; and is an amazing back up on your heaviest days or when first trying out a divine drop menstrual cup.
Will I get a period my whole life?
No, women don’t get periods throughout their life. When they reach 45-55 years of age, their red journey stops with what we call menopause. Also, women don’t have periods during pregnancy!
Do you have any other questions about your period? We encourage you to check out our other blog posts and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We post weekly on a variety of topics related to the menstrual cycle and women’s health.
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